Sanctorvm is cooperative Sci-Fi horror game for 1 up to 6 players with a massive campaign. Fight and take decisions to survive!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
over 2 years ago
– Tue, Aug 02, 2022 at 01:22:39 AM
Greetings travelers,
The entire Gravita Games team hopes that you are surviving the adventures of Dr. Rabidus, and that you are enjoying it. We have a few news updates to share with you:
Official Discord Server
We have created a Discord server to solve possible doubts, share stories, etc.
Social Networking
We have reactivated the Gravita Games social networks, where we will also be sharing news:
We are pleased to announce our new project, Crystal Age, which has been in development for 2 years now!
Crystal Age is a fantasy strategy board game where you control a powerful hero and embark on a dangerous journey, defeating exotic creatures to acquire their abilities. Will you be able to face the powerful titans of the crater?
Crystal Age is for 1 to 4 players with an approximate duration of 30 minutes per player. It will have three different game modes: solo, cooperative, and PVP.
In the past, a colossal crystal fell from the sky into the center of the land of Ansel, forming a huge crater. It began to change nearby biomes, and the creatures that lived there became more powerful and hostile. The kingdoms sealed the crater with 4 magical guardians, and surrounded it with a giant wall to prevent the spread of this strange disease, called corruption.
You are a Hero graced with power from heaven and you feel the call of the crater....
Now tell me... Will you use your power to help end the corruption? Or will you submit to the greed and doom of being the most powerful hero of Ansel?
Welcome to Crystal Age!
Pre-launch page
We plan to launch the Crystal Age project in early October through the Kickstarter platform.
As we have already mentioned in past updates, Sanctorvm is still in development parallel to the Crystal Age project. Andrés is outlining the two adventures for the Apocalypse expansion. We estimate that by February, we will launch a Kickstarter campaign for Sanctorvm to recover all the money invested and be able to offer you an amazing expansion.
Board Game Geek Rating
Remember that we need your ratings to get more visibility and recognition. So far only 12 backers out of 750 have rated Sanctorvm, and we would like to know your opinions. We have attached the BGG link for those who can give us their precious rating (it won't take you more than 5 minutes). This will help us enormously in the study!
All the Gravita Games team wishes you a good summer!
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Jul 07, 2022 at 07:00:20 AM
Greetings, Freshies. We are proud to announce that Sanctorvm has arrived at the homes of its backers, and that they are giving us good feedback. Shipquest has completed all logistics with great satisfaction.
If any backer has any problems with their order, please let us know at:
Those of you who have started reading the adventures will have noticed the Sound Files. To access this hidden lore, you must go to the following link:
At this link, you will find sound files for the three adventures. Each button represents the sound file of its corresponding chapter. To access it, you must capitalize the password given in the books.
We would like to ask you a favor, something that won't take long. We need more ratings on BoardGameGeek to have more recognition and get into the ranking lists. We leave the link for you to post a rating and/or analysis:
Finally in your Kickstarter profile, please confirm that you have already received the game, otherwise Kickstarter will not allow us to run more campaigns.
The Gravita Games team is going to take a little vacation to unplug a little and come back with the batteries charged, then we will start sending boxes to youtubers to promote the game.
As you may already know or be able to guess, due to Covid and the war... we had to invest much more than we received in order to make this project possible. Also, if you remember what was shown in the Kickstarter and look at the product that arrived at your home, you will notice that it has evolved immensely. Therefore, in the second Kickstarter, we want to reach all those people who did not bet on us at the beginning. We believe that Sanctorvm now has the potential to compete with the others. And all this is thanks to you, the ones who trusted us.
We hope you enjoy the macabre adventures that Dr. Rabidus has lovingly prepared for you.
Shipping Update #3
almost 3 years ago
– Wed, Jun 01, 2022 at 01:59:33 AM
Greetings travelers, this is the captain of Cooperlay’s Daughter 401. We are informed that Sanctorvm’s orders have started to arrive at your homes. All UK and ROW orders should arrive within the next week.
Shipquest is preparing the EU and USA orders, and they have informed us that in about three weeks, they will start sending shipments to the backers. Remember that you will receive an email with the tracking number.
We would love if, once you have tried the game, you could put a review on the boardgamegeek website:
This will help us to have more visibility and reach for the next Kickstarter. If we are lucky, we will catch the attention of some youtubers, as some of them have not trusted us...
We are preparing a good strategy and we are planning to attend the German board game convention Spiel (we will tell you more in future updates).
Despite the problems we suffered during the development process, we are proud of what we have achieved together and that you can finally enjoy SANCTORVM.
As a publisher (Gravita Games), we are going to delete the Sanctorvm Instagram account and start a new account @gravitagames, so you can follow us there to stay up to date on game news and new projects that we will develop.
If you have any problem with the shipments, please write to us at: [email protected]
Shipping update #2
almost 3 years ago
– Tue, May 03, 2022 at 12:28:53 AM
Greetings travelers!
Over the past few weeks, all 3 shipments (USA, EU, and UK) have made it to their destination ports and cleared customs. The EU and UK hubs are already preparing the shipments for each backer; the USA hub shipment will arrive early next week.
The shipping company Shipquest is planning to start shipments on May 10th, but we have been told that it could take up to 3 weeks. Once the shipments start, we will update you again! We are looking forward to receiving your precious boxes.
At the following link, you can see the logistic status of the Sanctorvm project:
Shipping update #1
almost 3 years ago
– Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 04:20:14 AM
Greetings travelers,
We are back with some new information about the current status of the logistic process. We are getting closer and closer to landing!
Current shipping situation
Our ships spent some time in the port of Yantian. This has become extremely common lately as ships attempt to exit China. Since the exit was very close to the CNY holidays, many bottlenecks were generated.
Current ETA status:
EU: German customs ask for some documents; this will delay the arrival of the shipment to the EU HUB by 1 week. Its ETA is on the 15th of April.
UK: We have been informed that the ship will soon reach its location. Its ETA is the 10th of April.
USA: The container is near the destination port. Its ETA is on the 5th of April.
Once the cargo arrives at the port, it will be picked up by the carriers and taken to the main HUBs. Then Shipquest will prepare all the packages and send them to your homes. We can do nothing more to accelerate this process; we cannot wait for the project to arrive in your homes so that you can evaluate it.